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New Year, New Resources!

It’s a brand new school year and that means you have a brand new class of students to take on an educational journey! ARTS:LIVE provides you with all the tools you need to inspire your students as they explore, learn and apply creative skills in the Arts and across other subject areas. ARTS:LIVE courses range from one-off lessons to a … Read more

The Listies Launch at Victorian Children’s Week

The popular children’s theatre-makers and authors, The Listies, have partnered with The Song Room to celebrate Children’s Week celebration at Deakin Edge on October 25. This event officially launched the new ARTS:LIVE resource The Listies Make a Scene. 

Top Five Tips for End of Year Performances

Five Top Tips for End of Year Performances

It is getting towards the end of the year, time for school concerts and performances. Here are our top 5 tips for prepping your students to strut their stuff on the stage! 1. Nerves are OK! Some students can get really nervous before a performance, especially if they haven’t had much experience before. Reassure them … Read more

Creative Learning Lives Here

We’ll Get You Through Term 2

The end of term is almost here. You’re so close to being able to take a well-deserved break! But before you do, we thought that some fun, creative and educational projects may be just the thing to keep the energy up in your classroom as we race towards the end of term. With that in … Read more

World Creativity and Innovation Day

World Creativity and Innovation Week 2018

This week (15 – 21 April) marks World Creativity and Innovation Week. Individuals, families, leaders, nations, students and groups from around the globe are invited to use their creativity to consider fresh approaches to difficult questions which will have a positive impact on some of the world’s most challenging issues. In an education context, thought … Read more

Teaching the Elements of Music

Children are naturally playful and creative. In fact, they express themselves musically from birth, starting with their very first sound – their voice. Play is children’s work; it’s how they learn about the world. New ideas are tested out and thoughts and experiences are formed through a process of trial and error.

ARTS:LIVE In The Studio

Announcing ARTS:LIVE Competition Winners!

Late last year we ran a competition offering one of five VISA pre-paid gift cards to ARTS:LIVE users who took out a Full Access subscription between October 22nd and December 31st 2017. We’re pleased to announce that the winners are: A. Farrugia, NSW C. Larsen, VIC G. Bell, QLD J. Freeman, VIC M. Hancock, NSW Congratulations! Winners … Read more