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Portry Yourself at the NGV

Portray Yourself

Explore the relationship between subject, artist and audience through portraiture. Investigate image, identity and representation by exploring significant portraits in the collection of one of Australia’s most important art museums – the National Gallery of Victoria.

Painting the Music activity

Painting the Music

Can music inspire your art? Join Cat Sewell as she combines visual and performing arts techniques by using music to inspire what she draws and paints. Listen to a music track and paint what you are feeling. What images does the music evoke? Explore your creativity, sharpen your listening skills and understand the links between … Read more

Story Building

Story Building

In a series of group activities, children will be led through a ‘story building’ process, creating and taking on character roles and bringing ideas to life. Children will be encouraged and supported to lead the story themselves – they will make decisions, solve problems, create images and sounds, imagine settings, and stay in character throughout … Read more

Create a Photostory

Create a Photostory

Learn how to create stories using photos or pictures from recycled magazines. It’s a great way to get imaginative with step by step instructions to help students plan and make their own stories using images, speech bubbles and captions. Younger children will love building a basic narrative, whether it be silly or serious, by creating … Read more

From Dance to Sport

From Dance to Sport

There are close links between the extreme physicality required by an elite sportsperson and a dancer. They are more similar than you may think. Discover the physical and technical skills used in both dance and sport and compare the similarities.

Create a Documentary

Shocko Doco

Shocko Doco introduces you to the concept of video interviewing. You will see the common mistakes that are made, and consider ways to fix them. Once you know the pitfalls to avoid, you can plan and shoot your own video interviews.

Improvisation Starters

Improvisation Starters Compilation

Drama is a dynamic practice that introduces students to a world of movement, pretend and play. Improvisation Starters is all that and more! Improvisation is an important element of drama that will have you thinking creatively and build confidence. Through Improvisation Starters, you’ll participate in warm-ups and games that can be as simple as you … Read more

Create an Alphabet through Dance

Learn the Alphabet Dance

This is the first course in ARTS:LIVE’s Dance Your Socks Off series. Create an Alphabet Dance combining movements and chants, using your body in a percussive and rhythmic way. The Alphabet Dance requires you to create a series of movements that represents each letter of the alphabet. This activity provides students with an opportunity to … Read more

Concrete Poetry at Heide MoMA

Concrete Poetry

When are words not just words? Concrete Poetry focuses on the visual appearance of language, including the typography of words, and playing with the font, shape, size and arrangement of letters. With Concrete Poetry, the way the word looks is as important as the words themselves. A 5 minute video will introduce the concept of … Read more