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Story Building

Story Building

In a series of group activities, children will be led through a ‘story building’ process, creating and taking on character roles and bringing ideas to life. Children will be encouraged and supported to lead the story themselves – they will make decisions, solve problems, create images and sounds, imagine settings, and stay in character throughout … Read more

Create a Photostory

Create a Photostory

Learn how to create stories using photos or pictures from recycled magazines. It’s a great way to get imaginative with step by step instructions to help students plan and make their own stories using images, speech bubbles and captions. Younger children will love building a basic narrative, whether it be silly or serious, by creating … Read more

Fizzie Dance with Ausdance

Fizzie Dance

Apply your knowledge of sport to create a basic movement phrase and extend it using the elements of dance. Create your own unique Fizzie Dance. This is the first course in ARTS:LIVE’s Sports and Performance series.

From Dance to Sport

From Dance to Sport

There are close links between the extreme physicality required by an elite sportsperson and a dancer. They are more similar than you may think. Discover the physical and technical skills used in both dance and sport and compare the similarities.

Soundscapes with Dave Burton

Soundscapes: You Call That Music?

Explore the environment around you to identify, collect and record sounds using a digital recording device. Experiment with sounds using audio editing software, and compose a unique digital soundscape or piece of music. Analyse, reflect and present your sounds to your friends or classmates. As you will find, music can be created from some VERY … Read more

Create a site-specific work

Site-Specific Work

Explore the spaces around you to spark your theatrical ideas. Students from The Australian Theatre for Young People share their theatre-making knowledge and skills to help you create your own site-specific performances.

Drama and Photography Course

Drama and Photography

Theatre has a great tradition of borrowing from other art forms. Photographs are great for drawing inspiration when creating plays or dramas. Use dramatic and thought-provoking images to enhance artistic expression in your performance. Write your own play using photographs.

Interactive Dance with Chunky Move

Interactive Dance

Explore the ways in which light can be used to improvise choreography. See how leading Australian contemporary dance company, Chunky Move, uses light in innovative ways in its productions. Then, create your own improvisations based on their methods. Through these explorations you will have the opportunity to develop your technical and expressive skills to communicate … Read more

Gotye and Kimbra - The making of Somebody I Used To Know

Make a Music Video

Making a music video is a collaborative process involving musicians and film makers. Gotye’s music video for his 2011 hit Somebody That I Used to Know, was downloaded more than any other music video at the time worldwide. It’s had around 1 billion YouTube views! Go behind the scenes and find out how Gotye (AKA … Read more

Clare Bowditch on getting your music out there

Get Your Music Out There

How do you get your music heard? Find out how to get your music out there from industry insiders. Filmed at Bakehouse Studios in Melbourne, award-winning musicians Clare Bowditch and Stavros Yiannoukas from Bluejuice, as well as Matthew Rogers from Unified Records, guide you through their own personal experience of the music industry. They share … Read more