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Story Building

Story Building

In a series of group activities, children will be led through a ‘story building’ process, creating and taking on character roles and bringing ideas to life. Children will be encouraged and supported to lead the story themselves – they will make decisions, solve problems, create images and sounds, imagine settings, and stay in character throughout … Read more

Create a Photostory

Create a Photostory

Learn how to create stories using photos or pictures from recycled magazines. It’s a great way to get imaginative with step by step instructions to help students plan and make their own stories using images, speech bubbles and captions. Younger children will love building a basic narrative, whether it be silly or serious, by creating … Read more

Sing, Scat and Scoo Be Doo

Sing, Scat and Scoo Be Doo introduces younger children to the joys of active music-making through singing, speaking, moving, dancing, playing and creating. Be introduced to four songs that provide opportunities to be expressive through vocal improvisation (scatting) and playing along with instruments.

Musical Fun with Fuzzy

Musical Fun with Fuzzy

Musical Fun With Fuzzy introduces younger children to the joys of active music-making through singing, speaking, moving, dancing, playing and creating. Make your own Fuzzy the Clown pop-up puppet and learn the basic elements of music.

School Of Fish Early Learning Activity

School of Fish

Have you ever noticed that a school of fish move together with the ebb and flow of the currents? School of Fish is a fun group activity that will have you moving at the same time as all your friends. Learn warm up dances and group activities like the mirror game where you copy your … Read more