Together We Sing on Noongar Boodja | Deadly Arts

Music Age 5-12

Discover what it entails to write a School Acknowledgement song with Charley Caruso and listen to Della Rae Morrison and Merinda Hansen explain the importance and significance of singing in First Nations languages. What does singing mean to you? Have you ever composed your own music?

Students will develop their music skills through playing fun collaborative music games, reflect on the role music has on communities and consider how they can encourage people to sing in First Nations languages.

Learning about the Noongar six seasons from Rickeeta Walley provides inspiration for students to listen to and explore recording sounds from their own environment before they compose and perform their own Deadly Arts seasonal poems that reflect the place where they were written.

This course is part of The Deadly Arts Collection on ARTS:LIVE.

What's Inside?

  • Video
  • Audio tracks for singing and song writing
  • 6 x 60 minute lesson plans aligned to the Australian Curriculum
  • Student activity sheets
  • Tips for culturally responsive teaching
  • Teaching Artist statements
  • Frequently asked questions from teachers about how to use the resources appropriately
  • Links to further First Nations resources