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Girl playing drum, looking up at camera

Building Wellbeing and Resilience in Your Students

Why is building wellbeing and resilience so important? When physical, emotional and social needs are met, students are in the best position to engage in the learning process. Students who have their needs met are students who can learn. When children experience anxiety or low self-esteem, they tend to shut off and shut down, exacerbating … Read more

ARTS:LIVE In The Studio

Announcing ARTS:LIVE Competition Winners!

Late last year we ran a competition offering one of five VISA pre-paid gift cards to ARTS:LIVE users who took out a Full Access subscription between October 22nd and December 31st 2017. We’re pleased to announce that the winners are: A. Farrugia, NSW C. Larsen, VIC G. Bell, QLD J. Freeman, VIC M. Hancock, NSW Congratulations! Winners … Read more